UGI 1. Exploring submucosal space

Endoscopic techniques are already moving into the third space beyond the mucosal layer. In this session, we will share the present and future of endoscopic technology for submucosal space.

Date & Time June 14 (Fri), 09:00-10:30 Venue Room A
Moderators Jong Sun Rew, Chonnam National University Hospital, Korea
Haruhiro Inoue, Showa University, Japan
Sang Woo Lee, Korea Univeristy, Korea
  • 1. Endoscopic resection for subepithelial tumors: when and how? Kyoung Oh Kim, Gachon University, Korea
  • 2. Endoscopic full thickness resection for GI tumors Khek Yu Ho, National University Health System, Singapore
  • 3. Tips for being an expert in submucosal endoscopy Hwoon-Yong Jung, University of Ulsan, Korea
  • 4. NOTES: Present and FutureHaruhiro Inoue, Showa University, Japan
  • Discussion

UGI 2.Cutting edge of endoscopic stenting in upper GI tract

Using endoscopic stenting, we can treat postoperative complications, and relieve gastrointestinal obstruction in inoperable patients with malignancy. This session will introduce tips and techniques of upper gastrointestinal stenting from A to Z.

Date & Time June 14 (Fri), 11:00-12:30 Venue Room A
Moderators Myung-Gyu Choi, The Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, Korea
Hyun Yong Jeong, Chungnam National University Hospital, Korea
Helmut Messmann, Klinikum Augsburg, Germany
  • 1. Palliative stenting for malignant esophagogastric junctional stricture Helmut Messmann, Klinikum Augsburg, Germany
  • 2. Stenting in post-gastrectomy complications Chul-Hyun Lim, Catholic University of Korea, Korea
  • 3. EUS-guided stenting in malignant gastric outlet obstruction Shuntaro Mukai, Tokyo Medical University, Japan
  • 4. Case-based discussion Chan Gyoo Kim, National Cancer Center, Korea
  • 5. Case-based discussion Chan Hyuk Park, Hanyang University, Korea

UGI 3.[KSGE-WEO] Up-to-date in image-enhanced endoscopy

Since endoscopy was developed, we have always wanted to see better and more accurately. We can better understand lesions through image-enhanced endoscopy including narrow-band imaging and magnifying endoscopy. In this session with WEO, we will learn the latest knowledge about image-enhanced endoscopy.

Date & Time June 14 (Fri), 13:30-15:00 Venue Room A
Moderators Jean-Francios Rey, St. Laurent du Var, France
Sooteik Lee, Chonbuk National University Hospital, Korea
Kwang Jae Lee, Ajou University Hospital, Korea
  • 1. Current status of image-enhanced endoscopy Jean-Francois Rey, St. Laurent du Var, France
  • 2. Effectiveness of BLI and LCI in the upper GI tract Fabian Emura, EmuraCenter LatinoAmerica & University of La Sabana, Colombia
  • 3. Magnifying endoscopy in upper GI tract Gwang Ha Kim, Pusan National University, Korea
  • 4. pCLE in upper GI tract Sang-Kil Lee, Yonsei University, Korea
  • Discussion

UGI 4.[KSGE-ESGE] Current management of superficial esophagogastric junction neoplasms

Despite advances in endoscopic devices and techniques, the diagnosis and treatment of esophagogastric junction neoplasms remain challenging. Through this session, Europe and Korea will share know-how on the diagnosis and treatment of superficial esophagogastric junction neoplasms.

Date & Time June 14 (Fri), 15:20-16:50 Venue Room A
Moderators Hoon Jai Chun, Korea University, Korea
Mario Dinis-Ribeiro, Instituto Portugues de Oncologia 'Francisco Gentil, Portugal
Yong Woon Shin, Inha University Hospital, Korea
  • 1. Detection and pretreatment evaluation of EGJ neoplasms Jae Myung Park, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
  • 2. Advanced imaging in EGJ neoplasms Helmut Messmann, Klinikum Augsburg, Germany
  • 3. Endoscopic submucosal dissection for EGJ neoplasms Do Hoon Kim, Ulsan University, Korea
  • 4. Endoscopic therapy: mucosectomy and radiofrequency ablaion for EGJ neoplasms Mario Dinis-Ribeiro, Instituto Portugues de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Portugal
  • Discussion

UGI 5.[KSGE-JGES] Innovation in GI endoscopy: emerging technologies in the upper GI tract

In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, new technologies including artificial intelligence and robotic endoscopy are being introduced in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy. In this session, we will discuss how advanced technology is applied in endoscopic diagnosis and treatment.

Date & Time June 15 (Sat), 14:00-15:30 Venue Room A
Moderators Hisao Tajiri, Jikei University, Japan
Joo Young Cho, CHA University, Korea
Sei Jin Youn, Chungbuk University, Korea
  • 1. Advanced endoscopic imaging technologies: Perspective of engineering Kazuhiro Gono, Olympus Medical Systems, Japan
  • 2. Novel tools for successful hemostasis: New materials in clinical practice Jun Chul Park, Yonsei University, Korea
  • 3. Application of artificial intelligence in GI endoscopy Kazuki Sumiyama, The Jikei University, Japan
  • 4. Future high technologies for GI endoscopy: Frontiers of robotic endoscopy Hyuk Soon Choi, Korea University, Korea
  • Discussion

UGI 6.Innovative therapeutic endoscopy: Tips for difficult endoscopic resection procedure

Have you ever had difficulty in performing endoscopic resection? In this session, experts will share their experiences and offer solutions, tips and know-how.

Date & Time June 15 (Sat), 15:50-17:20 Venue Room A
Moderators Sang Yong Seol, Inje University Pusan Paik Hospital, Korea
Jae Gyu Kim, Chung-Ang University Hospital, Korea
Naomi Kakushima, Shizuoka Cancer Center, Japan
  • 1. Circumferential resection for esophageal epithelial tumors Mario Dinis-Ribeiro, Instituto Portugues de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Portugal
  • 2. ESD for gastric epithelial tumors with fibrosis Toru Ito, Kanazawa Medical University, Japan
  • 3. ESD for non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors Naomi Kakushima, Shizuoka Cancer Center, Japan
  • 4. Case-based discussion Ji Hyun Kim, Inje University, Korea
  • 5. Case-based discussion Sung Woo Jung, Korea University, Korea

Breakfast with Experts 1

Date & Time June 15 (Sat), 08:00-08:40 Venue Flamingo
Moderator Jae J Kim, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
  • 1. ESD for early gastric cancer: Eastern vs. Western Fabian Emura, EmuraCenter LatinoAmerica & University of La Sabana, Colombia

Breakfast with Experts 2

Date & Time June 15 (Sat), 08:00-08:40 Venue Skylark
Moderator Hyung Kil Kim, Inha University, Korea
  • 1. The history of flexible robot assisted endoscopic interventions Kazuki Sumiyama, The Jikei University, Japan
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