PB 1. Optimal management of AOV adenoma/carcinoma
Endoscopic advances in recent years have expanded the role of endoscopy in the therapeutic management of ampullary tumors. This session will allow us to formulate more reasonable therapeutic strategies with respect to appropriate treatment and surveillance for ampullary tumors.
Date & Time | June 14 (Fri), 09:00-10:30 | Venue | Room C |
Moderators |
Gürhan Sisman, Acibadem University, Turkey Woo Jin Lee, National Cancer Center, Korea Dongki Lee, Yonsei University, Korea |
Speakers |
PB 2.Advances in EUS-guided tissue acquisition for solid tumors
Endoscopic ultrasound(EUS)-guided fine needle biopsy(FNB) is increasingly used as a standard diagnostic tool for pancreatic disorders. This session provides a balanced perspective on the use of currently available EUS-FNB needles, highlighting the differences between them and potential niche applications of each to maximize diagnostic yield of EUS-FNB.
Date & Time | June 14 (Fri), 11:00-12:30 | Venue | Room C |
Moderators |
Lars Aabakken, Oslo University Hospital-Rikshospitalet, Norway Dong Wan Seo, Asan Medical Center, Korea Seung Ok Lee, Chonbuk National University, Korea |
Speakers |
PB 3. Endoscopic management of combined duodenal and biliary obstruction
Combined obstruction of the bile duct and duodenum is not infrequent in periampullary malignancies. Nowadays, endoscopic palliation is preferred over surgical bypass due to similar efficacy, less morbidity, and shorter hospital stay. This session provides appropriate techniques for managing this situation endoscopically.
Date & Time | June 14 (Fri), 13:30-15:00 | Venue | Room C |
Moderators |
Marcin Polkowski, Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Poland Yong-Tae Kim, Seoul National University, Korea Seok Jeong, Inha University, Korea |
Speakers |
PB 4. [Asian Network] Breakthrough endoscopic technologies in pancreatobiliary malignancy
Recent years have seen the rise of newly developed diagnostic and therapeutic modalities to treat pancreaticobiliary malignancies. This session deals with the following 4 new endoscopic diagnostic or therapeutic modalities: EUS guided ablation, confocal endomicroscopy, drug eluting metal stent, and radiofrequency ablation.
Date & Time | June 14 (Fri), 15:20-16:50 | Venue | Room C |
Moderators |
Damien Meng Yew Tan, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore Young Deok Cho, SoonChunHyang University, Korea Seok-Ho Dong, Kyung Hee University, Korea |
Speakers |
PB 5.[KSGE-JGES] Progress in pancreaticobiliary endoscopy: Two is better than one
Pancreaticobiliary endoscopy remains an area of intense interest and is still under continual development. Endoscopic treatments in this realm such as LAMSs, interventional EUS, and direct peroral cholangioscopy techniques are becoming both more aggressive and more widely available. This session focuses on new endoscopic tools and techniques.
Date & Time | June 15 (Sat), 09:00-10:30 | Venue | Room C |
Moderators |
Takeshi Ogura, Osaka Medical College, Japan Myung-Hwan Kim, University of Ulsan, Korea Seung Woo Park, Yonsei University, Korea |
Speakers |
PB 6. What’s your next choice for difficult or failed ERCP?
Selective bile duct cannulation is the prerequisite for all endoscopic biliary therapeutic interventions, but this cannot always be achieved easily. In this session, methods that can be used in difficult or failed initial ERCP will be discussed in order to provide practical advice, especially for those who are less experienced.
Date & Time | June 15 (Sat), 14:00-15:30 | Venue | Room C |
Moderators |
Sundeep Lakhtakia, Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, India Jinhong Kim, Ajou University, Korea Jin Kim, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea |
Speakers |
PB 7. Role of endoscopy in patients with LFT abnormalities due to benign disease
Abnormal liver function test results represent the most frequent and important pathophysiological consequences of biliary disease. In this session, various types of biliary diseases will be reviewed, and pertinent endoscopic diagnosis and treatment will be suggested by experts.
Date & Time | June 15 (Sat), 15:50-17:20 | Venue | Room C |
Moderators |
Nonthalee Pausawasdi, Mahidol Univeristy, Thailand Ho Gak Kim, Daegu Catholic University, Korea Tae Nyeun Kim, Yeungnam University Medical Center, Korea |
Speakers |
Breakfast with Experts 5.
Date & Time | June 15 (Sat), 08:00-08:40 | Venue | Crane |
Moderator | Jong Kyun Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea | ||
Speaker |
Breakfast with Experts 6.
Date & Time | June 15 (Sat), 08:00-08:40 | Venue | Board |
Moderator | Sang-Heum Park, Soonchunhyang University, Korea | ||
Speaker |