Guidelines for Hands on Course
The IDEN 2019 Committee thanks you for your participation. Here are a few tips to make sure your experience is successful. Please read carefully, and contact us if you have any questions. The following guidelines are to assist tutors in preparing for the hands-on course.
Course Course Time Topic Tutor Trainee Bed
No. of trainees
per group
ESD 09:00-13:00 ESD 4 24 4 6 No rotation
EUS 09:00-09:20 [Lecture]
Normal Radial EUS Anatomy in the Biliopancreas
No rotation
09:20-09:40 [Lecture]
Normal Linear EUS Anatomy in the Biliopancreas
09:40-10:00 [Lecture]
10:00-13:00 1. Radial EUS 3 20 3 6-7 Rotation
10:00-13:00 2. Linear EUS 4
10:00-13:00 3. EUS-FNA 4
Endoscopy Instrument & Stent 09:00-13:00 1. Perforation closure with Hemoclips (or Endoloop) 2 15 3 5 Rotation
2. EMR-C and EMR-L 2
3. EMR-P 2

* In order for participants to be able to attend all the topics at each bed, tutors should repeat their demonstrations for the allocated    number of times.


  • -Hands-on course is only for AYEA participants and applicants were assigned to each course according to the application.
  • -The courses are composed of several topics. In order for participants to attend all the topics in the course, there is a time limitper    demonstration so participants can rotate. The allocated time for each topic is different in accordance with number of tutors and    topics. Please refer to the above table.
  • -Once the allocated time is over, tutors should finish the demonstration and start again from the beginning for other rotating    participants.
  • -Please arrive at your hands-on room at least 20 minutes before to make preparations.
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